Well folks, here goes. Here is my public admission: "Hello, my name is Lisa and I am a yarn hoarder." I currently have 15 storage bins of yarn, all organized according to type, colour, and thickness. You are probably wondering how much yarn can I actually use? I would say that, on average, I probably use three to four storage bins of yarn a year. So, of course, I have to "feed" the bins regularly.
I just finished another blanket, so I will head out next week (when the kids are in school) to a yarn store that I recently learned about to see what they have. It is will take almost two hours to drive there, but that isn't a problem. I travel regularly to various yarn stores and spend hours (yes, hours) going through the stores to look at and feel their yarns. And during the regular course of a week, if I wind up in a store that just happens to carry yarn, I will inevitably stray over to the craft aisle and start groping the yarn. I know it sounds kooky, but for some reason it makes me happy to wander through aisles of yarn, planning and dreaming about future projects.
Sometimes if I find yarn that is unusual, quirky or just too beautiful, into the basket it goes. I may not see an immediate use for it, but I know that there will come a time when "it" will be the perfect yarn. I reserve these unique yarns for gifts for friends and family, because I want their gifts to be one of a kind.
I can't help but think that my children's teachers are appreciative because I don't give them the standard teacher gifts. I make them one-of-a-kind gifts that are created solely for them. I made a poinsettia hat for a teacher that adored Christmas, but had a black thumb and kept killing her poinsettias. I made a Hello Kitty hat for a teacher that decorated her classroom with everything Hello Kitty. A few years ago I taught my daughter how to crochet and she crocheted a scarf for her third grade teacher. Her teacher cried. Not everyone can appreciate crochet, but how can you not appreciate an 8 year old spending a few weeks making a gift?
So if you happen to be in a store in the GTA and see a really unique yarn or even a really great sale on yarn, please feel free to let me know because my yarn bins are calling...
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